Product Trends

Swimboard: Fun for the Whole Family

Swimboard: Fun for the Whole Family

Plasmor has been making boats and kayaks for 40 years, but now they’ve added something new to their collection: the Swimboard. The first models came out in April this year, and they are colorful and easy-to-use. The board is designed to help those who are not strong swimmers enjoy the water, or allow those who already swim well swim longer and farther.

The Swimboard weighs less than 10 kilos but is 3 m long for security reasons, making it a little difficult to transport.  But Plasmor made this choice strategically: the Swiboard is not just another board for strong swimmers. With its length and design the Swimboard targets a wide audience, including weaker swimmers and children. All you need is a wetsuit and a pair of flippers and you can use it. You lie down on the board which frames your body and your legs are in the water. There are handles you can hold on to but you can also paddle with your arms.

The board is equipped with a waterproof compartment where you can store your phone, a bottle of water, car keys etc.  It is available in several colors and you can add other equipment such as a camera or GPS. As with all of Plasmor’s products, it is possibly to take a Swimboard on a test-run.
