About us

NauticExpo’s e-magazine covers the latest global nautical and maritime technology news and innovations. Our editorial staff presents up-to-date information to readers through interviews, news briefs and in-depth articles. We feature leading companies and innovative start-ups, the latest technologies, key personalities and cover the major trade fairs around the world. Each issue brings our readers new products and cutting-edge advancements in the nautic and maritime field. NauticExpo e-magazine is a unique platform for exploring innovative products, projects and ideas.

Editorial Independance

Our Mission Statement is to deliver accurate news reporting about nautical and maritime innovations to our readers. All of our articles are fact-checked, unbiased and fully independent from any advertising consideration.

We welcome your reactions and comments at celia.sampol@nauticexpo.com


Director: Vincent Gérard & Corentin Thiercelin
Marketing Director: Isabelle Point-Falek
Editor In Chief: Célia Sampol
Graphic Designer: Valentine Jaque
Webmaster: Fred Jaillet

Contact us

Editorial: celia.sampol@nauticexpo.com
Advertising: advertising@nauticexpo.com
Location: AeroExpo e-magazine – 17 avenue André Roussin – 13016 Marseille – France
Telephone: +33 (0)

Legal Information

Listed with the Marseille Trade and Companies Register (RCS n°: 432439701)
Registered share capital of 60,000 euros
Hosting: Agarik, 20 rue Dieumegard, 93400 Saint Ouen – Telephone: +33 (0)
