S Com Tech launched its Smart Cat 850 at the recent China International Boat Show in Shanghai. The entry-level vessel can carry 12, but is perfect for a cruising couple or small family. Options include two or three cabins and one or two heads.
The manufacturer states that the boat is manufactured to meet luxury standards, with high-quality equipment and fittings. The foam core is covered by polyester resin fiberglass.The gelcoat finish has integral non-slip deck surfaces.
Overall length is 8.5 m, beam is 5.29 m and draft is 0.89 m. The catamaran displaces 4.5 tons. It has a mainsail measuring 38.8 m2, a furling jib of 16.2 m2 and a genoa of 32 m2. It can carry 45 liters of fuel, 135 liters of fresh water and has a holding tank capacity of 88 liters. FOB list price is US $150,000.
Read more about sailing catamarans on NauticExpo website.